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Banksy - the Artist's Practice and Pranks Revealed with 

Professor Paul Gough

Saturday 4th May, 2:15pm
Sir Bernard Miller Centre, Odney

Have you met Banksy? How would you know, and why does it matter? Unmasking Banksy – the world’s most famous unknown artist - has become a global obsession. It fills countless column inches in the press, garners tens of thousands of speculative comments online, and fuels speculation whenever a new stencil appears in public.  


Engaging, entertaining and edgy, Banksy’s iconic images and cryptic comments have attracted 12 million followers on the Instagram site, while Banksy follows no one. 


Described by the mainstream press (but not by himself) as an 'expert', Paul Gough will share his insights into ‘working’ with Banksy’s people during the writing of his first book, and his subsequent research into the art itself – its iconic power, ironic intent, and dark humour. 


Through illustration and anecdote Gough will also ask: have we become over-obsessed by the ‘whodunnit’ instead of concentrating on the ‘whydunnit’ ?


Paul Gough is an academic, writer, painter, broadcaster and the current Principal and Vice Chancellor of Arts University Bournemouth - but is he also Banksy?


Tickets £12.

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